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Why literary agents reject manuscripts


Literary agent
Photo by RDNE Project

Literary agents reject manuscripts for various reasons, which may not always be related to the quality of the writing. Some common reasons for rejection include the work not being the right fit for the agent in terms of genre or category, lackluster writing, poor spelling and grammar, the author's failure to identify their target audience, timing and market changes, and unprofessional query letters.

 Rejection is a common part of the publishing process, and it's important for writers to understand that it doesn't necessarily reflect the quality of their work. It's also noted that agents may have personal or external factors influencing their decision to reject a manuscript, and that writers should focus on presenting their work professionally and finding the right fit for their manuscript[1][2][3][4].


[1] https://authorlink.com/writing-insights/writing-insights-why-dont-agents-tell-you-why-they-rejected-your-book-2022/

[2] https://www.savannahgilbo.com/blog/rejections

[3] https://blueravenclub.com/?p=1672

[4] https://www.alyssamatesic.com/free-writing-resources/why-literary-agents-rejected-you

[5] https://www.reddit.com/r/PubTips/comments/e86vlt/pubtip_literary_agents_share_the_top_reasons_why/?rdt=62217
